
我的實驗室是能源材料與光電實驗室,研究主題涵蓋了(1)石墨烯材料;(2)儲能材料;(3)發光材料,我們成功發展了綠色石墨烯量產技術,並將石墨烯應用在鋰電池導電添加劑、散熱塗料、防腐蝕塗料、電磁波屏蔽等應用;儲能材料包含了鋰電池、鈉電池跟固態電池的材料開發;發光材料則針對LED螢光材料、碳量子點發光材料、鈣鈦礦量子點發光材料,近五年(2016-2021)共發表101篇SCI paper,h-index: 36,其中Nanoscale (IF:6.895)、Carbon (IF:9.594)、Applied Materials Today (IF:9.650)、ChemComm.(IF: 6.222)、Materials Today Energy (IF:7.010)、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF:9.229)、Small (IF:13.81)、Advanced Optical Materials (IF:9.926)、J. Membrane Science (IF: 8.742)、Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF:11.301)、Chemical Engineering Journal (IF: 10.652)、Applied Catalysis B – Environmental (IF: 19.503). 除此之外,也將相關研究成果進行專利申請與技術移轉,共計獲證至少30篇專利以及10件技術移轉。期許這些技術能夠與相對應的廠商合作,為台灣的產業盡一份心力!




Dr. Wei-Ren Liu obtained his Bachelor degree from Department of Chemical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU) in 1999 and got his Ph.D. degree from Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University in 2006. From 2006 to 2012, he served as a researcher in Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) for 5 years. He served as an assistant professor from Department of Chemical Engineering, CYCU in 2012 and promoted as Professor in 2019. He got some awards, such as outstanding young researcher award (3 times), outstanding research award (2 times), CYCU Invention award and outstanding technology transfer award. Prof. Liu served as many keynote and invited speakers in some international conferences and also serve as chairman in the 4th Annual Conference of Carbon Society of Taiwan in Chung Yuan Christian University in 2020. Now, he serves as the associate editors in Frontiers in Energy Research and Current Chinese Science.
The research areas of Prof. Liu are divided into three fields: (1) Synthesis of graphene-based materials and their applications of energy storage, heat dissipation, anticorrosion and EMI shielding; (2) Synthesis of energy storage materials, such as anode and cathode materials for Li and Na ion batteries and solid electrolytes; (3) Luminescence materials, such as LED phosphors, perovskite quantum dots and graphene quantum dots. Prof. Liu published lots of paper in Q1, such as Nanoscale (IF:6.895)、Carbon (IF:9.594)、Applied Materials Today (IF:9.650)、ChemComm.(IF: 6.222)、Materials Today Energy (IF:7.010)、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF:9.229)、Small (IF:13.81)、Advanced Optical Materials (IF:9.926)、J. Membrane Science (IF: 8.742)、Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF:11.301)、Chemical Engineering Journal (IF: 10.652)、Applied Catalysis B – Environmental (IF: 19.503). Prof. Liu also got more than 30 patents and 10 technique transfers.


I am also very happy and honored to be awarded the Chung Yuan Christian University Outstanding Research Award for the second time. I have been actively working in the three fields of graphene, energy storage materials and luminescent materials during 9 years of teaching at Chung Yuan Christian University. Apart from carry out cooperation projects with Taiwan companies. We also proposed the cooperation projects with Japan, Poland, the United Kingdom and Germany. In addition, many excellent doctoral and master students have been cultivated successively with manufacturers. I think the research field and related technological expansion are very important, and only the courage to Innovative and continuous construction of new laboratory technology and related research equipment will have the opportunity to continue to strive for more research funds, optimize resource allocation and strategic planning under limited space and human resources. In addition, cross-field cooperation is necessary. After constructing your own unique technical field, you can participate in more international or domestic seminars or related societies to expand your network and establish bridges of cooperation, so that your research output can be more diverse. We encourage each other!