


我認為讓研究永續經營是在大學任教非常重要的事情,因此建立研究實驗室是我加入中原大學物理學系之後最重的要事情之一,我的研究實驗室以兩個方向為主:(一) 鈣鈦礦光電元件的製作、量測及分析、(二) 奈米光學數值計算。鈣鈦礦光電元件的製作、量測與分析之研究方向可以透過實做的方式訓練專題生及研究生,讓學生獲得與半導體產業高度相關的技能與知識;奈米光學數值計算之研究方向可以透過理論計算的方式訓練專題生及研究生,讓學生具備知識門檻較高的研究能力。獲取資源則是建立研究實驗室的重要關鍵,因此我很感謝物理學系在空間及研究經費的支持、校內老師在研究資源的互助,另外,取得科技部的專題研究計畫之經費支持更是讓研究實驗室持續運作的關鍵。


In the recent decade, my research team focused on the device physics of perovskite optoelectronics and light-material interactions at nanoscales. In the aspect of optoelectronic devices, the solar cells and light-emitting diodes are fabricated by using the solution processes at low temperatures in order to facilitate the commercialization of perovskite devices. Besides, we are trying to investigate the photophysics of perovskite based broadband photo-detectors, which has the potential to be used as the light sensors in a multi-functional smart car due to the fast response time. In the aspect of numerical simulations, the near-field optical properties of sub-wavelength plasmoinc waveguides and chiral metallic structures are investigated, which provides a way to deeply understand the light-material interactions at nanoscales.


I think that it is very important to establish a research laboratory when I joined the faculty of the Department of Physics of CYCU as an Associate Professor. There are two main topics in my research team: device physics of perovskite optoelectronics and optical numerical simulations at nanoscales. In my laboratory, undergraduate students and graduate students can learn how to investigate the device physics and material sciences via fabricating, measuring, analyzing and modeling the optoelectronic devices. I would like to thank the research funding from the MOST and the supports from CYCU, which encouraged me to establish a research laboratory in the Department of Physics. Besides, I want to emphasize that it is extremely important to obtain research funding from the MOST projects, which enables us to explore new things during our academic career.