
個人自2006年8月至中原大學生物環境工程學系(2015年更名為環境工程學系)任教,研究領域主要集中於有機物揮發與合成新吸附劑去除各種類型污染物,除上述研究外,亦有少數研究與國內外其他實驗室進行合作,研究的內容包含生物分解、高級氧化或催化方式去除污染物。在有機物揮發方面,個人曾提出「表面損失揮發模式」與建立「共同揮發理論」,由於有機物揮發一直不是目前環工界研究的主流,即使個人僅在該領域發表10餘篇 SCI期刊論文,但已是目前全世界該領域發表最多文章的學者。在吸附研究方面,主要為發展多功能之吸附劑吸附各種不同類型的污染物,或是利用表面改質的方式增加對於特定污染物之吸附容量。
在近五年(2015-2019)的研究成果中,總共發表29篇期刊論文,其中有28篇為SCI論文,並且25篇為通聯作者。依照 Web of Science (WOS)網站統計,近五年(2015-2019)所發表文章在2020年10月為止,總計被引用次數目前為1215次,在這些文章中共有三篇文章被列為該領域高度引用之文章(引用次數為該領域前1%),三篇文章中有一篇文章在2018-2019年被WOS網站歸類為該領域(Environment/Ecology)的熱門文章(近二年內在該領域引用次數達前0.1%),該篇文章僅在2019年被引用次數達216次,同時該篇文章亦為Water Research (IF:9.130, 1/94 in Water Resources category)期刊在2020年Impact Factor貢獻度排名第一的文章。


1. 多發表回顧型的文章,且所訂的主題必須較多人從事相關研究。
2. 創造出新的研究領域,使其他研究者依循你的研究。
3. 發表在影響係數較高的期刊,則該篇文章被看到的機率也較高。


The beginning of my teaching career from Department of Bioenvironmental Engineering (change Bioenvironmental Engineering to Environmental Engineering in 2015) Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU) in August 2006. My research focused in estimation in volatilization of organic compounds and synthesis of new adsorbents for removal of various contaminants. In addition, partial research including biodegradation, advance in oxygenation and photocatalysis cooperated with the lab in other countries. For the volatilization of organic compounds, I have presented “surface depletion rate-limiting model” and “covolatilization theory”. The volatilization of organic compounds is not the primary study in the environmental field. Although I only published more than ten SCI paper, it is most publication in the field. For the research of adsorption, I intended to develop multi-function adsorbents to remove various contaminants, or modified the surface of adsorbents to enhance the adsorption capacities of specific contaminants.
In recent five years, I published twenty-eight SCI papers and one other paper. Among these papers, I am corresponding author for twenty-five papers. According to the statistic result in WOS (web of science) until October 2020, the citation counted toward papers published from 2015 to 2019 is 1215. Total three papers are indicated in high citation (citation rank less than 1%). One paper citation ranks less than 0.1% in recent two years. The paper citation counted is 196 within 2019. And the paper possess the highest “Journal Impact Factor contributing” for Water Research (IF:9.130, 1/94 in Water Resources category) in 2020.


Because I have met a lot of difficulties and barriers regarding submission in the past, I never consider getting the outstanding research award in CYCU. I have focused the research on volatilization of organic compounds. The research is less-presented in the environmental field. Frequently, the submission is rejected due to that editor does not publish the kind of paper in the journal. Sometimes a manuscript needs to be submitted to journals 4~5 times to enter under reviewing process. Moreover, few investigators study the volatilization of organic compounds. Even if the paper was published on top 5% journals, the counted citation is very low. When I begin the research regarding synthesis of new adsorption materials, the counted citation increases slightly. However, I have not published any paper with high citation yet. Since I became a co-advisor of international PhD student in 2015, the poor citation of paper was improved. Because the international student needs to write dissertation in English, I demand the student to write a reviewing paper. The paper was repeatedly revised and then submitted to Water Research. The paper was beyond our expectations to become a high citation paper. The paper has been cited more than 500 since September 2017 to now. It is the highest impact factor contribution in the journal in 2020. Finally, I suggest the three principles for publishing high citation paper as follows.
1. Publish the reviewing articles and the topic is in popular.
2. Establish a novelty and new scope, make other investigators follow it.
3. Publish the paper in a journal with high impact factor, and other investigators easily look it.