2019-02-24 00:00
2019-02-27 00:00
資訊工程系/Dept. of ICE
蘇志文/Chih-Wen Su
1. The number of participants in the symposium is the highest ever.
CYCU: More than 10 professors and 100 students
Kansai University: 11 professors and 30 students
Mapua University: 1 professor

2. Through international exchanges with partner universities, we have created opportunities for international cooperation for teachers and students in the same research field. This symposium has contributed to several short-term projects and lab visits between CCU and KU.

3. Give students an opportunity to communicate with foreign students, to enrich their English abilities and to build up a global vision. Every student participating in the poster session is required to present their research work in English and answer questions from professors and students in the same field.

4. Kansai University will provide a short-term visit plan for CYCU students and professors. This summer, about 10 students and 1-2 professors will visit several labs at Kansai University for a month.